The first full day of cruising was a “sea day.” That means no stops and we were just cruising up the coast of Canada heading to Alaska. It was stormy, windy, rainy and cold. In fact it was so rough on the sea that the ship’s staff had fastened… oh hell – just call them what they are: barf bags - to the banisters (both sides) on each deck of the ship. It was apparent this was not their first “rock and roll” day at sea. They were quite fancy little barf bag holders with straps that held them in place right at easy-grab level. The rough seas (Captain said 9-10 foot swells) didn’t bother me but mom was feelin’ a little puny (i.e. motion sick or flu or something yuck). In spite of that, she did spend a minute on the balcony enjoying the view.
That morning I indulged with a facial at the spa. Quite lovely and relaxing. The esthetician was a cute young thing from India and did a great job. Afterwards she explained and showed me all the products she used and stressed how important it was that I buy these in order to live a long and happy life. Ok, maybe she didn’t quite use that pitch but she was very disappointed that I didn’t buy the (approx. $600 worth of) products right then and there. She was very careful to explain that if I did decide to buy I REALLY needed to get them from her because she’s the only one who would know exactly what I need. Yeah, yeah – it’s called getting old, darling. I’m gonna be OK.
So while mom was relaxing in the cabin, I went exploring the ship again. I, by sheer accident and happy luck, managed to get in on the wine tasting at Le Bistro (the French specialty restaurant). Normally $49 additional cost but my “drink supplement” got me a discount so I paid $20. SCORE. It was fun and interesting and quite entertaining to watch the participants. The lady next to me was a single participant as well, and you could tell she was feeling the need for those barf bags strapped to the banisters. The couple on the other side were NOT impressed with the wine (one rosé and three reds). The couple across from them were winos like me and sucked down every drop of each glass. The sommelier was one of the waiters at Le Bistro and very helpful. At one point while explaining all the ‘deets’ of the wine, a particularly strong swell caused him to sway and hold on to a pillar he was standing near. He said, “Have any of you seen the Poseidon Adventure?” I laughed out loud. Some others were not amused.
Back at the cabin, mom had powered through and was ready for dinner. We were heading that direction when we were walking past a guy from Effy, the on board (fancy) jewelry story, and I mentioned something about taking a picture to mom. The guy said, “You can take pictures of my beautiful jewelry.” So in the spirit of supporting the staff (and checking out dazzling jewelry) I stopped and looked at the table he had set up – not really paying much attention to him. He asked where I was from – Colorado. When I asked him he said “Honduras.” I said, “Honduras huh? I lived in Roatan for nine years.” He said, “Oh my god I’m from Roatan!” We then proceeded to talk about Pensacola, Flowers Bay, Gravels Bay and the places we know on the island. While we were chatting I was admiring a particularly pretty tanzanite bracelet with little diamonds which he put on my wrist. Mom walks up and said, “Ooo Tor – that’s pretty!” I agreed and asked Marshal, my new Roatan bud, how much. He said, “Well since you’re from Roatan, I can give you a discount off the $12,000 dollars to …” and I cut him off to say, “I lived in West END, remember? Not West BAY!” We all had a good laugh and I politely handed the spectacular piece back. It was fun seeing him several more times during our cruise. What an awesome surprise and it truly is a small world.
Dinner at the Four Seasons dining room again tonight. All delicious and the “s’mores mousse” I had for dessert was particularly decadent. After dinner off to the see the Classic Rock show by the Norwegian Theater Group. Band, dancers and singers - they were really good!
Since I had had a more sleep, I was actually able to stay up and catch the sunset this evening. Pretty darn beautiful – but I still think I prefer Roatan – on the beach – in the heat. No complaints though! Tomorrow we stop at our first port, Ketchikan.
NOTE: if you click on the photos, it will bring up the full view - some with captions.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your price or product –so please click the Amazon link. Thank you for your support!!!!
That morning I indulged with a facial at the spa. Quite lovely and relaxing. The esthetician was a cute young thing from India and did a great job. Afterwards she explained and showed me all the products she used and stressed how important it was that I buy these in order to live a long and happy life. Ok, maybe she didn’t quite use that pitch but she was very disappointed that I didn’t buy the (approx. $600 worth of) products right then and there. She was very careful to explain that if I did decide to buy I REALLY needed to get them from her because she’s the only one who would know exactly what I need. Yeah, yeah – it’s called getting old, darling. I’m gonna be OK.
So while mom was relaxing in the cabin, I went exploring the ship again. I, by sheer accident and happy luck, managed to get in on the wine tasting at Le Bistro (the French specialty restaurant). Normally $49 additional cost but my “drink supplement” got me a discount so I paid $20. SCORE. It was fun and interesting and quite entertaining to watch the participants. The lady next to me was a single participant as well, and you could tell she was feeling the need for those barf bags strapped to the banisters. The couple on the other side were NOT impressed with the wine (one rosé and three reds). The couple across from them were winos like me and sucked down every drop of each glass. The sommelier was one of the waiters at Le Bistro and very helpful. At one point while explaining all the ‘deets’ of the wine, a particularly strong swell caused him to sway and hold on to a pillar he was standing near. He said, “Have any of you seen the Poseidon Adventure?” I laughed out loud. Some others were not amused.
Back at the cabin, mom had powered through and was ready for dinner. We were heading that direction when we were walking past a guy from Effy, the on board (fancy) jewelry story, and I mentioned something about taking a picture to mom. The guy said, “You can take pictures of my beautiful jewelry.” So in the spirit of supporting the staff (and checking out dazzling jewelry) I stopped and looked at the table he had set up – not really paying much attention to him. He asked where I was from – Colorado. When I asked him he said “Honduras.” I said, “Honduras huh? I lived in Roatan for nine years.” He said, “Oh my god I’m from Roatan!” We then proceeded to talk about Pensacola, Flowers Bay, Gravels Bay and the places we know on the island. While we were chatting I was admiring a particularly pretty tanzanite bracelet with little diamonds which he put on my wrist. Mom walks up and said, “Ooo Tor – that’s pretty!” I agreed and asked Marshal, my new Roatan bud, how much. He said, “Well since you’re from Roatan, I can give you a discount off the $12,000 dollars to …” and I cut him off to say, “I lived in West END, remember? Not West BAY!” We all had a good laugh and I politely handed the spectacular piece back. It was fun seeing him several more times during our cruise. What an awesome surprise and it truly is a small world.
Dinner at the Four Seasons dining room again tonight. All delicious and the “s’mores mousse” I had for dessert was particularly decadent. After dinner off to the see the Classic Rock show by the Norwegian Theater Group. Band, dancers and singers - they were really good!
Since I had had a more sleep, I was actually able to stay up and catch the sunset this evening. Pretty darn beautiful – but I still think I prefer Roatan – on the beach – in the heat. No complaints though! Tomorrow we stop at our first port, Ketchikan.
NOTE: if you click on the photos, it will bring up the full view - some with captions.
As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This does not affect your price or product –so please click the Amazon link. Thank you for your support!!!!