Monday, June 19th, was a full day at sea again, cruising back south along the Canadian coastline. The fog horn began to blow about 3:15am (according to mom) but I didn’t hear it till a couple hours later when I woke up. I am blessed with a gift of good sleep, thankfully, and thus even a fog horn doesn’t disturb me. Mom hates my alarm because it is the sound of a warning alarm buzzer like you hear when something is going to self destruct in 10 seconds. Ah, but I digress.
It’s another rock and roll day at sea, so the stairwell banister barf bags are firmly in place throughout the ship. Mom’s feelin’ it a little bit, so she heads to lie down and rest while I go on the ‘seaweed adventure.’
Today, I get my second massage at the spa. I went with the seaweed wrap massage. Completely new experience for me and I don’t know if I will run right out and get one again… Definitely not bad but …. kinda weird, I guess.
I walked into the massage room and the table was covered with a giant, space age looking, silver cellophane sheet which went all the way to the floor. OK. The girl (same one as before) instructed me to strip and put on the “disposable” panties and bra. (think crepe paper with elastic in the right places-ish) I lay face down with my hair up and she proceeds to swipe avocado colored green goo allllll over. Flip – now the front.
Sufficiently coated in goo, she begins to wrap me in the silver cellophane prison. The goo needs some time to suck out all the toxins so she’ll be back in 10 minutes. Now – as the years have come, so has the teensiest bit of claustrophobia. With my hands basically “fast” (ie stuck) I started thinking I might just be getting ready to throw and ever-lovin-shit-fit! “NO NO NO, Tor breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.” And thank God in heaven, it worked and I did not throw the shit-fit.
Time elapsed (I think it took about 100 minutes, not 10) she comes and unwraps my burrito cover and I get to shower off the goo. Good lord – that stuff was EVERYWHERE and it takes a good bit of effort. And even after I was out of the shower and drying, I was finding spots I had missed…. (eyeroll) Now for the massage – lovely again and off I go to the cabin for a real shower. (I think this gal had figured out I wasn’t going to buy the zillion dollar, life changing products and really didn’t push it this time.)
Pretty relaxing day – mom and I went to the presentation with ship’s officers for a Q & A session. Very interesting. First they spoke about themselves and where they were each from, experience and how long on this ship. They then spoke about the future of Norwegian and ships and what they plan to offer. Then a good Q & A from the audience. Very genuine guys and interesting info.
Mom and I got all fancied up for dinner and had our professional photo taken in the atrium on the beautiful staircase. Dinner at the Four Seasons dining room was yet again – amazing.
The show for the evening was very cool. They did music and dancing from different countries around the world including authentic costumes. Wow – such a talented cast!! After that, the cruise staff and officers all came in the theater and we gave them a standing ovation in appreciation. The staff then lined the exits and applauded us cruisers as we exited. Shook hands and said thank you. I must say, all cruise staffers from wait staff to shop attendants to cabin stewards and anyone you talked to that worked on the ship were AWESOME. Service oriented and happy to help.
Just one day left – tomorrow we go “international.”
If you click the photos, you can see full size and read the caption.
It’s another rock and roll day at sea, so the stairwell banister barf bags are firmly in place throughout the ship. Mom’s feelin’ it a little bit, so she heads to lie down and rest while I go on the ‘seaweed adventure.’
Today, I get my second massage at the spa. I went with the seaweed wrap massage. Completely new experience for me and I don’t know if I will run right out and get one again… Definitely not bad but …. kinda weird, I guess.
I walked into the massage room and the table was covered with a giant, space age looking, silver cellophane sheet which went all the way to the floor. OK. The girl (same one as before) instructed me to strip and put on the “disposable” panties and bra. (think crepe paper with elastic in the right places-ish) I lay face down with my hair up and she proceeds to swipe avocado colored green goo allllll over. Flip – now the front.
Sufficiently coated in goo, she begins to wrap me in the silver cellophane prison. The goo needs some time to suck out all the toxins so she’ll be back in 10 minutes. Now – as the years have come, so has the teensiest bit of claustrophobia. With my hands basically “fast” (ie stuck) I started thinking I might just be getting ready to throw and ever-lovin-shit-fit! “NO NO NO, Tor breathe. In through the nose, out through the mouth.” And thank God in heaven, it worked and I did not throw the shit-fit.
Time elapsed (I think it took about 100 minutes, not 10) she comes and unwraps my burrito cover and I get to shower off the goo. Good lord – that stuff was EVERYWHERE and it takes a good bit of effort. And even after I was out of the shower and drying, I was finding spots I had missed…. (eyeroll) Now for the massage – lovely again and off I go to the cabin for a real shower. (I think this gal had figured out I wasn’t going to buy the zillion dollar, life changing products and really didn’t push it this time.)
Pretty relaxing day – mom and I went to the presentation with ship’s officers for a Q & A session. Very interesting. First they spoke about themselves and where they were each from, experience and how long on this ship. They then spoke about the future of Norwegian and ships and what they plan to offer. Then a good Q & A from the audience. Very genuine guys and interesting info.
Mom and I got all fancied up for dinner and had our professional photo taken in the atrium on the beautiful staircase. Dinner at the Four Seasons dining room was yet again – amazing.
The show for the evening was very cool. They did music and dancing from different countries around the world including authentic costumes. Wow – such a talented cast!! After that, the cruise staff and officers all came in the theater and we gave them a standing ovation in appreciation. The staff then lined the exits and applauded us cruisers as we exited. Shook hands and said thank you. I must say, all cruise staffers from wait staff to shop attendants to cabin stewards and anyone you talked to that worked on the ship were AWESOME. Service oriented and happy to help.
Just one day left – tomorrow we go “international.”
If you click the photos, you can see full size and read the caption.